Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Series
Natural Herbs, Loquat & Honey Extracts – known popularly in the Chinese as “PEI PA KOA” was originated by King To Nin Jiom of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty. It has been very popular for centuries because of its effectiveness and pleasant taste. In addition to its recognized quality guarantee, Nin Jiom has also been well distributed worldwide.
Nourish the lung, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough. To soothe the sore throat and remove heat. For relief of cough due to cold, copious cough phlegm, relieve discomfort of throat, aphonia and hoarse.
It helps to prevent dryness of throat resulting from late night, fatigue due to over-work, excessive smoking and drinking.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa
Dosage and Administration:
- Adult (Aged over 12) : 1 tablespoonful (15ml) to be taken 3 times a day.
- Children (Aged 7-12) : 2/3 tablespoonful (10ml) to be taken 3 times a day;
- Children (Aged 3-6) : 1/3 tablespoonful (5ml) to be taken 3 times a day.
- Or taken according to doctor’s advice.
- Dilute in warm water or swallow slowly the syrup for quick relief.
- To maintain taste during the hot weather, it is recommended to store it in a refrigerator.
- Preserve in tightly closed container. Place it in cool area.
Package Specification:
- 75ml, 150ml, 300ml
Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Convenient Pack
Dosage and Administration:
- Adult (Aged over 12) : 1 pouch(15ml) to be taken 3 times a day;
- Children (Aged 7-12) : 2/3 pouch(10ml) to be taken 3 times a day;
- Children (Aged 3-6) : 1/3 pouch (5ml) to be taken 3 times a day;
- Or take according to doctor’s advice.
- Place it in cool area.
- Keep it out of the reach of children
Package Specification:
- 15ml per sachet, 10 sachets per box
Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (No Sugar Added Formula)
Dosage and Administration:
- Adult (Aged over 10) : 1 tablespoonful (15ml) to be taken 3 times a day.
- Children (Aged 6-10) : 1/2 tablespoonful (7.5ml) to be taken 3 times a day.
- Children (Aged 3-5) : 1/3 tablespoonful (5ml) to be taken 3 times a day.
- Or take according to doctor’s advice.
- Put it in mouth and swallow slowly or dilute in warm water.
- Place in dry and ventilated area.
Package Specification:
- 150ml